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Software Developer - Genasys Communications Canada

July 2019 - Present

- Plan and develop an API update for a multi-company project
- Develop, test, and maintain Java code for a critical company product
- Demo a product for interested clients

Research Assistant - University of Windsor

Sept. 2018 - Apr. 2020

- Work with a close team to research congestion control in vehicle networks
- Develop traffic models in XML for simulation with SUMO
- Link these traffic models with Veins and Omnet++ to accurately track and simulate network congestion

Teaching Assistant - University of Windsor

Sept. 2017 - Dec. 2020

- Assist professors with the marking of assignments, and proctoring of tests
- Assist in running lab to assist students with course assignments
- Hold office hours to help students in a one on one environment

Vice Chair of Finance and Research - CUCSC Organizational Committee

Nov. 2018 - Aug. 2019

- Handle all financial matters, including budgeting, ledger tracking, and transfering of funds for the Canadian Undergraduate Computer Science Conference.
- Handle all research related matters, including creating, launching, and overseeing the Call for Papers
- Work closely with conference Chair and other Vice Chairs to coordinate the event and provide a good experience to attendees

Undergraduate Representative - University of Windsor

Sept. 2018 - Sept. 2019

- Work directly with faculty to discuss and vote on issues relevant to the school and its students
- Bring forward undergraduate student issues and concerns to be dealt with